Friday, July 24, 2009

You're Not That Funny or Clever, Joke Wedding Dancers

This is the new trend: perform a joke dance for your first dance at your wedding reception, then put the video on YouTube so that everybody can see how "funny" you are. "Oh, haha, they're white people dancing to black music! That's so novel! Maybe they'll do some black dance moves and really blow my mind!" Another couple took it a step further by doing a joke dance (to a Chris Brown song, people. Nothing like ushering in your wedding and marriage with thoughts of domestic abuse, am I right?) during the wedding procession, actually turning their wedding into a big, tacky, "Look how clever and irreverent we are" showcase. These idiots actually got on the Today show.

Look, assholes: if I had to get dressed up in my best monkey-suit to come to your fucking wedding, the least that you could do is show some solemnity for the proceedings, not dance around like buffoons and make the audience feel like the biggest schmucks in the world for not wearing something more appropriate, like maybe a tuxedo t-shirt and a beer helmet.


  1. I love (LOVE) the wedding dances. If I ever get married, there will be a coroegraphed dance. However, seeing as I don't believe in the institution of marriage until my sister can get married, I don't see a coreographed wedding dance (or dances!) in my future.

  2. I think you ladies just like the idea of marrying a guy who's willing to make a fool of himself in front of your entire family, and that's cool, I guess, but I submit the following: REAL FOOLS DON'T NEED CHOREOGRAPHY.
