Sunday, June 28, 2009

Let's Start a Dialog about Drugs, Son. Start by Pissing in This Cup

There is a commercial playing in semi-heavy rotation on the rock station here in Salt Lake City, and it's for a home drug test. The dialog of the ad presents the product as something to satisfy a parent's curiosity as to whether their kid is on drugs. Pot is one of the drugs mentioned.

Now, to my way of thinking, a home drug test would be something you administer to a youth you know to have a drug problem, to make sure he's staying off of them. Your kid needs to be a hard-core meth-head, not a casual pot-smoker, before you start bottling his urine and mailing it across the country. If you're just worried that your kid's on drugs, maybe you should try talking to him before you whip out the drug test, and if you suspect your kid's on drugs because he's a shitty, rebellious teen, how is in-home drug testing going to improve your relationship? It's a massive betrayal of the trust that any parent-child relationship thrives on.

I never did drugs as a youth, and I still haven't, but I can guarantee you that if my parents had made me piss in a cup just to make sure, it wouldn't have gone well. In fact, it may have driven me to experiment, just to give them something to justify their invasion of my privacy.

Besides, if TV has taught us anything, it's that if your kid has a drug problem, the best solution is to hire Benjamin Bratt to punch the drugs out of his system with tough love, or something. I don't watch that show, but he sounds pretty violent.

1 comment:

  1. There's a lot of elements to modern society that try to create solutions for plain-old bad parenting and lack of community. If people would just be neighborly and help each other out and raise their kids themselves rather than letting the TV and internet do it for them, then we wouldn't have a lot of these problems.
