Monday, January 4, 2010

How I'm Feeling

So as not to repeat myself, whenever somebody asks me how I'm feeling in the real world, I shall refer them to this post.


Eh, not bad, although I have this cold that won't go away. But I'm generally stronger and possess more stamina now.

Yes, I'm taking my medication regularly.

No, the doctors haven't told me the results of that last ultrasound.

No, I don't have an appointment for a check-up.

Yes, I said I was taking it, didn't I?

(At this point one of us will make an irreverent joke about me dying, and we'll both laugh as if it is funny.)

Yes, I got the bill the other day. Yes, it's exorbitant.

Yes, I swear, I'm feeling much better. Except for the cold. There is no earthly reason for me to lie about that.


I'm glad I didn't die also.

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you didn't die too.

    But that funeral would have been bad-ass.
